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At the Salon
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Once you have booked your appointment and have arrived at the salon, you will need to communicate what you want. First, they might ask you some of these questions.
How would you like your hair cut?
What are we doing for you today?
What can I do for you today?
What did you want to do with your hair?
Did you want a manicure or a pedicure?
Did you want your nails done?
What color nail polish would you like?
Are you in for a hair cut or a perm?
Did you want to color your hair today?
So what color were you thinking for your hair today?
To make sure you get what you want, it is important to be clear on your expectations. Use some of these sentences to express what you want.
I only want a trim.
Can you cut about 2 inches off the length?
I want 1 inch off the top and the sides blended in.
Can you layer my hair?
I would like a straight perm today.
Can you color my hair to brown?
I would like my nails done please.
A pedicure with red nail polish please.